Before your tan: We recommend you cleanse and exfoliate your body using a
moisturizing body wash and exfoliating scrub. Pay attention to rough skin areas like knees,
elbows, ankles, heels and the tops of your feet. This will ensure the
best possible result from your spray tan by eliminating the top layers
of dry and dead skin. It is also best to wax or shave at least 24 hours
prior and avoid the use of deodorants, moisturizers, perfume and make-up
that may inhibit the effectiveness of the tanning solution. When getting your Spray on sun tan you may wear as little as you like or
a full bathing suit. Most people wear just a G-String but this is a
personal choice. We operate in a discreet manner and fully respect
client confidentially.
The application of the tanning solution takes around 5 minutes and feels touch dry almost immediately. You can lightly shower after 2-3 hours and your tan will continue to develop over the next 5-6 hours. For tanning in your home we will arrive with a pop up tent to protect the surrounding furniture, floors and walls. All we need is a plug socket and good lighting.
After your tan: It is recommended that you wear loose and comfortable dark clothing
after application of your spray tan. The bronzers will not
stain clothing in most cases and any slight rub-off should come out in
the wash. However, some staining may occur on some light coloured
leather, acrylic or other sensitive fabrics. For the best possible results, you should avoid the following within the first 3 hours after application:
Most people can expect their Spray tan to last for up to 7 days depending upon your skin type and preparation. Some may even keep their tan for up to 10 days. Your spray tan can be extended through regular moisturizing
Spray Tans for Body Building Comps
For competition tans I use a specifically designed solution called MUSCLE TAN. It has a high level dha giving you an amazing result. Some people can get away with just 1 or 2 applications in the days before and others might need one the morning of your comp, depending on which league and class you are in. You can either leave your bronzer on your skin on the competition day or rinse the bronzer off (leaving a very dark tan) ready for dream tan to be applied. This can also be sprayed on the competition day again for the finishing colour
My recommendations for a Saturday competition (for example)
Thursday - Shower/exfoliate and 1 application of MUSCLE TAN Friday - a light shower/rinse and a second application of MUSCLE Saturday morning - A light shower/rinse (rinse off is optional) follow with a third application of MUSCLE TAN solution that is left on for the competition. This is a great option as it really adheres to the skin compared to dream tan which is messy and comes off on everything.